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Home: Oregon Hot Springs: Borax Lake Hot Springs
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Alvord Desert / South Half Burns District (BLM) Overall Rating: D+
4,080 ft Water Temperature: Usually too cool for soaking
Fields Area Usage Level: Low

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10.17.02: Borax Lake

10.17.02: Borax Lake

10.17.02: DANGER sign

10.17.02: Borax Works Ruins

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Pool Condition
Small lake is heated by thermal vents and only feels warm during select parts of the year.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
10.17.02 low light amount of flies

Water Clarity:


Slight Odor

Wildlife Sighted: Rabbits (plenty of them!), Bobcats, Cougars, Deer, Owls (spotted 2 of them), Coyotes, Bats and Foxes (oh my) - don't even think of driving out to this one at night, all of the animals listed above are all over the road after dusk [there are also Thunder Eggs in this area]

Seasonal Notes
Accessible all year.
Camping Notes
Plenty of BLM land that is so so for camping all around the hot springs.


Borax Lake HS is right next to an old Borax Works station were Borax was mined and carted by mule train to Winemucca, NV. The remains of the station are still visible. The lake itself takes a bit of dusty, bumpy driving to reach. There are ways to drive all the way in if you are not interested in walking or biking from the gates. Be aware that the tiny sand/clay particles can be rough on your vehicle and will seep into just about everywhere. Even after returning home I had that stuff blasting out of my truck heater for days! Don't forget to bring lots of water either. This HS is located on BLM land and contains extremely high levels of arsenic. Neither one of us did more than stick an arm or leg in the cool water of Borax Lake.
Rating D+

Related: Hot Springs Guide Books, Oregon Posters/Prints, Weather Conditions


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Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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