Pool Condition
Source on SR 55 Side
The large 'party pool' is rock and mud walled with a sludgy bottom
laden with sharp rocks and bits of broken glass.
Source on other side of creek
The rock and mud walled pools on the far side of the creek have
clearer water but temperatures that prohibit soaking because they
are either way too hot or cold.
Dates Visited:
Trash Levels:
Bug Levels:
Water Clarity:
Murky / Semi-Clear
Slight Odors Detected
Wildlife Sighted: Deer
Seasonal Notes
Accessible year-round.
Camping Notes
There are primitive campsites and cushy
campgrounds nearby, no camping or nighttime use of the springs is
I think that once upon a time McCredie was a great place. It is
sadly overused and abused with an abundance of trash and traffic
despite nighttime closure. Vehicle break-ins, pervert truckers,
legions of RVers and non-stop partying lead to the demise of at
least the pools accessible from State Route 55. The pools on the
other side of the wide creek yield to a much quieter environment but
unfortunately not a good soak due to either scalding hot or freezing
cold temperatures. Rating:
No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo
Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!
Public hot springs are not bathing facilities
and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown
naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans)
at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.