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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: Roaring River (Dutch Frank) Hot Springs
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Roaring River Hot Springs in Idaho

Boise National Forest, Mountain Home District Overall Rating: C
4,120 ft Water Temperature: Varies
Atlanta Area, Where the Roaring River meets the MF Boise River Usage Level: Moderate-Low
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09.19.06: One of many small, seasonal pools along the MF Boise River

09.19.06: Pool sizes, temps and locations vary each year and usually need rebuilding after spring runoff

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General Description
Steamy, roadside soaking in a variety of rock-walled pools await the intrepid hot springer. The vast complex emanates heat from multiple locations. However, the small and shallow pools have varied temperatures, need rebuilding after spring runoff and relocation after the river lever recedes (too hot!). There may or may not be something worth while to soak in, but there is plenty of opportunity abound.

Pool Condition
Pools are typically small, shallow soakers dug out near or at the river edge where hot meets cold. Once a suitable pool is found or designed, soakers can then enjoy a traditional hot/cold swirling soak where it is often necessary to stir the pool to maintain an adequate soaking temperature.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
11.01.09 Light None
09.19.06 None None

Water Clarity:



Wildlife Sighted: n/a

Seasonal Notes
The majority of roads into the Atlanta area close during winter save for one route which is sketchy at best most winters especially given the large amount of accidents that occur on this road during the summer months. Note: The Middle Fork Boise River Road is a rough one - this is one of my least favorite roads to drive on in Idaho due to the insane washboards. Something to keep in mind. During the summer you can cut down on the drive time by taking on of the many FSR off State HWY 21 to the Middle Fork Road.

Camping Notes
Plenty of nearby National Forest campgrounds and primitive sites to choose from up and down the road.

Trip Reports

There was a light amount of trash left from the overnight party-people types. I've actually had recent reports of a trash bear at the hot springs but found no evidence this trip. And yes, there was a moderate sized pool situated just right for a qualifying soak, albeit a tad silty. Not too bad sitting out in plain view of the road this time of the year.

Roaring River was more like a dull roar for me. While very scenic, the majority of the pools were unusable and clearly visible from the Boise Middle Fork Road. The geothermal complex is fairly large, emanating hot spring water from multiple locations. Most of the pools were either freezing, silt-filled, boiling or poorly designed. There was one worthy soak, but not really that worthy. It was hot enough, but small and shallow in addition to having somewhat low water movement. There was however, plenty of potential. Soaking next to a fairly busy forest road in lack-luster pools isn't really my spot of tea, and really why should it be with so many other stellar soaks nearby. This one is worth a check-out though, and you may just luck out and find a big, juicy steamy soak waiting.

Average Rating: C



No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!

Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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