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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: Teapot Hot Spring
  Public Hot Springs
Payette National Forest Overall Rating: D+
3,840 ft Water Temperature: Only soakable pool: 107°
Warm Lake/Yellow Pine Area / Krassel Ranger District Usage Level: Low

Picture Viewer

03.24.07: The new guy

09.16.02: Muddy bottomed hot pot with a layer of dead bugs on the top

Pool 4: The only soakable pool

No one has sat in this pool for awhile (I hope)

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General Description
Teapot Hot Spring lies at the base of Teapot Mountain nestled between the South Fork Salmon River and Forest Service Road. Teapot features seasonal pools that submerge during spring runoff. The smattering of 5 to 7 pools are typically composed of rock and sand walls, are quite mucky and algae laden and feature sand and gravel bottoms.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
03.24.07 low light
08.13.04 low moderate
09.16.02 low none

Water Clarity:


Strong Sulfur Odor
(you can smell it driving by)

Wildlife Sighted: Deer, Elk, Moose, Fox and Black Bear

Seasonal Notes
Accessible all year - note Warm Lake HWY and FSR 474 N traveling during winter will require a 4x4 to get though safely. The streamside pools at Teapot submerge during spring runoff.

Camping Notes
There is plenty of Boise National Forest camping nearby - no camping at the springs.

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As I neared Teapot I slowed down and looked out the window - I didn't plan on stopping, but the sight of a promising medium sized, well-built pool lured me in. Although not quite spring runoff, this new pool was just a smidge below the river water level making it a tad chilly. I bet this new, deep soaker will be good to go come late summer.

However, the South Fork Salmon River Road (FSR 474/674 North) will be closed the majority of THIS SUMMER due to road construction. So, from July through mid-October 2007 all of the hot springs in this area will get a break.

Not much new to report out here. The formation of the pools are the same as is the soaking opportunity which is still not very great. Especially considering the other sweet soaks in the area. I was camped near Teapot with a friend the night before we began our trek to Buckhorn Hot Springs. The scenery is great, however.

I counted 7 pools, unfortunately only one was soakable... and it's HOT!! A little adjusting the rocks could alter this, but a leg soak was plenty for me. Besides, I had already planned to pay Mile-16 HS a visit. Lots of potential... at least I think so. But, I also think some hoses, pipes, plugs and mortar would need to play a role in constructing a good pool here. Is it worth it? I don't think so. Remnants of many failed attempts of pool construction and the desire to keep things as natural as possible always lead me down (or up) the road to other stellar soaks. No bugs evident this trip aside from the layer of dead bugs floating on top of the pools, but I would most definitely bring your bug juice.
Rating: D+

Average Rating: D+



No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!

Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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