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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: Tenmile Hot Springs
  Public Hot Springs
Boise National Forest Overall Rating: D+
4,500 ft Water Temperature: 100º - 110º
Lowman Area Usage Level: Low

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04.24.04: Beautiful Setting

04.24.04: Silt & Algae Galore

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Pool Condition
User built rock pools with sand/silt bottoms loaded with algae.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
04.24.04 Low none

Water Clarity:


Slight odor

Wildlife Sighted: Turkey & tons of Deer & Elk

Seasonal Notes
Pools can submerge during the pinnacle of spring runoff. Forest Service Road is closed in winter, snowmobile or snowshoe access only.
Camping Notes
Excellent camping at Tenmile Trailhead and ample camping at and just past the pools. Many other camping opportunities nearby.


On our way to the Trailhead we passed a large herd of Elk and 2 large herds of Deer, it was incredible! The makeshift bridge that once eased the creek ford is long gone thanks to being washed out a couple years ago. Be careful! The crossing can be tricky, expect to get wet as log and rock hopping offer limited opportunities for a dry ford. The .5 mile walk to the springs is chock full of splendid views, and the grassy area around the hot springs is rather picturesque. The temperatures of the pools are perfect, sadly though the pools are mucky quagmires filled with silt and algae. A little elbow grease and a lot of patients may yield to a decent soak. Remnants of tarps from the past are visible along side many of the pools. The bottom line is that there's plenty of great hiking and camping, but not so great soaking.

Rating: D+

Related: Hot Springs Guide Books, Idaho Posters/Prints, Weather Conditions



No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!

Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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