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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: White Licks Hot Springs
  Public Hot Springs
Payette National Forest Overall Rating: B-
4,900 ft Water Temperature: Adjustable
Between Council, ID / Donnelly, ID Usage Level: Moderate-High

Picture Viewer

06.06.03: 2 soak shacks - 1 pool each

06.06.03: The green shack

06.06.03: Inside the green shack

06.06.03: Inside the green shack

06.06.03: The white shack

06.06.03: Inside the white shack

06.06.03: Outhouses

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Pool Condition
Cement walled and bottomed (2 pools, 1 in each shack), each pool holds 1 stretched out individual or 3-4 scrunched-in soakers, 2 intake pipes in each shack: 1 pipes in 90º water while the other pipes in 110º water.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
06.06.03 Moderate Moderate (ticks)

Water Clarity:



Wildlife Sighted: Deer, elk, owls & foxes

Seasonal Notes
Seasonal road open from May through October or November.
Camping Notes
There are a few primitive sites near the springs (not very private). Also many other official camping opportunities and additional primitive sites accessible from the main road.


Tucked in a free, small camping area adjacent to a decent forest road and next to a river are 2 small shacks each containing a small concrete soaking box. Inside each shack you will find a wooden plug that is used to plug the hot water intake pipes (see Pool Condition for more information), which in turn allows you to control the temperature of your soak.

I liked this little HS - the shack furthest from the camping area was in worse shape than the other. The water was clear with no noticeable smells or inhabitants. The camping area was a tab bit trashed, and there were 2 semi-gross outhouses on premises. We had the whole place to ourselves, the only time we saw other humans was a few hours later when we drove back by and saw a guy with 3 dogs and 2 ORVs on our way out of the Payette National Forest.

White Licks is located on a parcel of land owned by Boise (aka Boise Cascade) and is bordered by the Payette NF.
Rating: B-

Average Rating: B-

Related: Hot Springs Guide Books, Idaho Posters/Prints, Weather Conditions



No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!

Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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