Idaho Hot Springs
and Red Spider Mites

A commonly known nemesis of the
soak seeker, the Red Spider Mite (RSM) inhabits a
few natural hot springs. Barely visible to the naked eye, these tiny
crimson mites scurry about on top of warm rocks and hot water in and
around select hot springs throughout Idaho and the
How RSMs Effect Humans
Red Spider Mites typically cling to the body (including
clothing/towels in proximity of the pools) and proceed to bite the skin in
an unsuccessful attempt to lay eggs. The bites leave itchy red
sores behind that usually heal completely after a couple weeks.
It is highly advisable to use itch relief cream and avoid
scratching the bites. The human immune system kills off the eggs
before they can hatch and eventually builds up enough immunity
to kill off the mites themselves after a couple days or so.
Note: Scratching bites during the
first few days proceeding contact with RSMs can result in
additional bites. It seems that agitating the skin in-turn
agitates the RSMs.
Red Spider Mite Precautionary Measures
- Keep your towel and gear far
away from the hot springs pools and surrounding rocks. Hang
your pack, clothes and towel off a tree limb and make a dash
for it. At least this way they won't be waiting for you on
your towel and clothes post soak.
- Use bug juice, ideally of
the natural and lotion assortment, but only
after your soak - no need to pollute the water with that
junk. Plus, RSMs usually wait to dig-in until their
host has dry skin, applying bug juice after soaking should
reduce your chances of receiving bites.
Once bitten by RSMs (trust me,
you'll know), treatment involves copious amounts of anti-itch
cream, as itching the bites early on can set recovery back
significantly and may result in additional bites. Take it easy,
sleep, stay hydrated, eat and don't forget the itch cream!
Listing of Hot Springs in Idaho with Reported Red
Spider Mites
A complete list of hot springs in
the northwest with reported and/or confirmed Red Spider Mite
inhabitants that I have been maintaining for over a decade.
Thank you to all that have contributed! This is the only known
list in existance!
Atlanta Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by guide book and hot springers - multiple
RSM Activity Level: High
Bear Valley Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by self and hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: High
Springs Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springer - couple confirmations
RSM Activity Level - Moderate
Buckhorn Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by self and hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Low
Chattanooga Hot
Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: High
Granite Creek Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springer - couple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Low
Hot Springs
Campground (ID)
Confirmed by self and hot springer - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Low-Moderate
Kirkham Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
Upper Pools
RSM Activity Level: High
Lower Pools RSM Activity Level: Low-None
Notes: I have soaked at the lower pools many MANY times without a single bite
Loftus Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springer - single confirmation
RSM Activity Level: High
Molly's Hot Spring
Confirmed by self and hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Moderate
Prince Albert Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springer - couple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: High
Rocky Canyon
Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Moderate-High
Secesh Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by self and hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Low
Vulcan Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Moderate
Note: There is a possibility that RSMs are being confused with
Whitey Cox Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: High
Willow Creek Hot Springs (ID)
Confirmed by self and hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Low
Worswick Hot
Springs (ID)
Confirmed by hot springers - multiple confirmations
RSM Activity Level: Moderate-High
View Red Spider Mite Listing for CA, ID, NV, OR
Know of a hot springs in the
Northwest with RSMs not on the above list?
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