Idaho (and the Northwest) is
such a remarkable region. Teaming with wildlife and overflowing with
pristine lakes, majestic rivers and backcountry hot springs. This
beautiful, yet delicate environment is under constant threat, it is
forever endangered. The following organizations
exist to help counter that threat. Please consider supporting their
efforts any way possible.
No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo
Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!
Public hot springs are not bathing facilities
and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown
naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans)
at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.